Are you a Second Life Resident? *

In Second Life, do you *

Please check any / all that apply

Please answer true or false to the following questions relating to DMCA *
True False I don't know
I have filed a DMCA notice relating to content related to Second Life
I have received a DMCA notice relating to content related to Second Life
DMCA notices cost money to file
Filing a DMCA notice opens you up to statutory damages (including costs and attorney’s fees) if you misrepresent that the material or activity is infringing.
A DMCA application requires that you prove ownership of the Intellectual Property
To file a DMCA counter-notice, you have to prove that the content is not the claimant's own creation and that the original claim is false and invalid
DMCA should be used to counter trademark infringement
DMCA should be used to counter copyright infringement

I have filed a DMCA notice relating to content related to Second Life

I have received a DMCA notice relating to content related to Second Life

DMCA notices cost money to file

Filing a DMCA notice opens you up to statutory damages (including costs and attorney’s fees) if you misrepresent that the material or activity is infringing.

A DMCA application requires that you prove ownership of the Intellectual Property

To file a DMCA counter-notice, you have to prove that the content is not the claimant's own creation and that the original claim is false and invalid

DMCA should be used to counter trademark infringement

DMCA should be used to counter copyright infringement

Please answer true or false to the following questions relating to the law and Second Life *
True False I don't know
Second Life residents are expected to obey the laws of their own local countries with regard to their actions in the virtual world
Second Life residents are expected to pay income taxes on income they make from Second Life activities
If I print, copy, and distribute material that someone else made in Second Life I am not violating the copyright law
If an item I purchase inworld or on the Second Life Marketplace doesn't have the copyright symbol, then it is not considered copyrighted material
The copyright law protects the content in blogs related to Second Life on the Internet
Instant messages that are posted online aren't considered copyrighted material
Items online that aren't considered original work are blank forms, short phrases, names, titles, facts, and ideas
It is legal to use a small portion of copyrighted material for education purposes
It is illegal to download someone else’s images and upload it to one's web site
Individuals, who are affiliated with an education institution aren't allowed to use copyrighted text material or motion media from the Internet without obtaining permission from the owner
When obtaining permission to use copyrighted material, it is not necessary to contact the owner of the copyrighted works

Second Life residents are expected to obey the laws of their own local countries with regard to their actions in the virtual world

Second Life residents are expected to pay income taxes on income they make from Second Life activities

If I print, copy, and distribute material that someone else made in Second Life I am not violating the copyright law

If an item I purchase inworld or on the Second Life Marketplace doesn't have the copyright symbol, then it is not considered copyrighted material

The copyright law protects the content in blogs related to Second Life on the Internet

Instant messages that are posted online aren't considered copyrighted material

Items online that aren't considered original work are blank forms, short phrases, names, titles, facts, and ideas

It is legal to use a small portion of copyrighted material for education purposes

It is illegal to download someone else’s images and upload it to one's web site

Individuals, who are affiliated with an education institution aren't allowed to use copyrighted text material or motion media from the Internet without obtaining permission from the owner

When obtaining permission to use copyrighted material, it is not necessary to contact the owner of the copyrighted works

Please answer true or false to the following questions relating to Second Life *
True False I don't know
I have fully read the Linden Lab Terms of Service
I fully agree with the Linden Lab Terms of Service
I have fully read the Second Life Community Standards
I fully agree with the Second Life Community Standards
I am familiar with the Digital Rights Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
I support copyright as a legal right
I believe copyright applies on the Internet
I believe copyright applies in Second Life
I have registered a copyright for my content in Second Life
I have registered a trademark for my brand in Second Life

I have fully read the Linden Lab Terms of Service

I fully agree with the Linden Lab Terms of Service

I have fully read the Second Life Community Standards

I fully agree with the Second Life Community Standards

I am familiar with the Digital Rights Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

I support copyright as a legal right

I believe copyright applies on the Internet

I believe copyright applies in Second Life

I have registered a copyright for my content in Second Life

I have registered a trademark for my brand in Second Life